What we do:
We deliver advanced mobile optometry services to students in the security of their school environment.
Reports are sent back to parents with information on our findings, including referrals to other health care providers if required.
More Children Are Becoming Nearsighted
The incidence and prevalence of myopia (short sighted) is increasing. In Australia, myopia will go from around four million to 22 million by 2050.
The best thing you can do to help slow the progression of your child's myopia is to schedule annual eye exams so your eye doctor can monitor how much and how fast his or her eyes are changing. Often, children with myopia don't complain about their vision, so be sure to schedule annual exams even if they say their vision seems fine.
Here are the top signs to look out for:
Lots of squinting or having trouble recognising people in the distance. If your child is sitting too close to the TV or computer, asking to sit up the front in class to see the blackboard.
Frequent blinking or eye rubbing. If your child is rubbing their eyes while concentrating, such as reading a book – or while they are being active, it could mean they have an eye problem.
Using a finger to guide eyes while reading.
Slipping grades. Good vision is a crucial factor in the ability to learn properly.
Eyes don’t line up or one or both eyes wander. It is often very noticeable if their eyes don’t line up.
Closing one eye to read or watch TV. If your child frequently closes one eye, this could indicate a refractive or binocular vision problem that interferes with the ability of their two eyes to work together comfortably as a team.
Avoiding using a computer because it hurts their eyes. In today’s world of digital gadgetry, digital eye strain is common among children.